We specialise in trying to make long term results, so have a rehabilation focus. This is added by postural advise, such as ergomonic advise for the work station, well as rehabilation excercises.

We specialise in trying to make long term results, so have a rehabilation focus. This is aided by postural advise, such as ergomonic advise for the work station, well as rehabilation excercises.

Chiropractic Techniques

All our techniques are safe and effective, and include traditional chiropractic manipulation as well as low force techniques. We tailor the technique we use depending on the individual and any health issue they may have. We also cater for pregnant ladies, using specialized tables and techniques, such as Webster technique and specialized equipment to make treatment as gentle and as comfortable as possible.

Commonly Treated Conditions

Low Back Pain (LBP)

A common complaint where pain either locally or referred is at the base of the spine. Causes for such pain include:

  • Sprains/strains
  • Osteoarthiritis
  • Ankylosing spondylitis
  • Neoplasm
  • Prolapsed disk

Low Back Pain is often associated with poor posture, obesity, slack abdominal muscles, sitting for prolong periods of time as well as improper body mechanics.

Neck Pain

A common complaint where pain either locally or referred is within the neck and shoulder area.

"Slipped" Discs

Slipped disc is the common term used to describe a disc herniation, or a prolapsed disc. See below for more information.

Disc Bulges/Herniation

Vertebral disks are a soft, gel like material that cushions and acts like a shock absorber for the spine. A disk bulge occurs when the disk shifts from its normal alignment within the spinal column. A herniated disk, often as a result from some sort of trauma is the rupture of the fibrocartilage that surrounds the disk itself and releases the gel llike substance that acts like the cushion. This can cause pressure on the spinal nerves and severe pain. Slipped disc - common term used to describe a disk bulge or herniation


There are many causes for headaches (pain in the head). One of the most common forms of headaches is called a cervicogenic headache. This is where the pain originates from the neck and is referred into the head.

Sciatic Pain (Sciatica)

Pain that radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve which is the largest and longest nerve in the body. It travels from the lower back, through the hip and buttock and down the leg. Herniated disk, bony growths, spondylolithesis and pregnancy can all cause sciatic pain. The pain is usually felt in only one leg at a time and can also be accompanied by tingling 'pins and needles' or numbness.

Rib Pain and Breathing Difficulties

Rib pain can usually be described as a sharp, stabbing pain. Causes for rib pain can be due to:

  • Poor thoracic core muscles
  • Sedentary occupations

Vertigo (Benign Positional Vertigo)

Vertigo - the feeling that you or your environment is moving or spinning. Vertigo describes an illusion of movement. Can be caused by problems in the brain or the inner ear.

  • Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is the most common form of vertigo and can originate from the top two neck vertebrae.

Postural Problem

Poor posture can lead to many different problems, ranging from tight muscles to pinched nerves. Poor posture may be a result of poor habits such as sitting in front of a computer for hours on end or from congenital conditions.


A lateral curvature of the spine. Can look in the form of an 'S' or 'C' shape. Scoliosis can be classified as either; congenital, idiopathic or nueromuscular. Signs and symptoms may include:

  • Uneven musculature on one side of the spine
  • Uneven hips/leg length
  • A rib prominence or prominent shoulder blade

Frozen Shoulder

Due to inflammation the shoulder is painful and loses range of motion. Causes for frozen shoulder can be trauma to the shoulder as well as shoulder surgery. Symptoms of a frozen shoulder can be:

  • Pain
  • Stiffness
  • Decreased motion in the shoulder

Shoulder Pain

The shoulder is very complex joint and as such can have multiply causes of injury or pain. The problem with the shoulder joint is that to remain the most mobile joint in the body, it must sacrifice stability. It has been likened to a golf ball sitting on a tee. Therefore most problems with the shoulder revolve around instability issues, which involve the muscles, ligaments, tendons and joint capsule. It is essential when treating the shoulder that these instability issues are addressed as well as addressing treating the pain.

Rotator Cuff Injuries

Name given to the group of muscles and tendons that attach to the bones of the shoulder which allow it to move and keep stable. 4 muscles compose the rotator cuff; supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor and subscapularis muscle. These muscles can tear or become impinged and therefore cause pain and discomfort.

Elbow Pain

When looking at the elbow we must include the forearm, as this is where most problems occur. The forearm is often affected by muscles, tendons, and nerves all originating at the elbow.

Tennis Elbow - (Lateral Epicondylitis)

The outer part of the elbow becomes sore and tender. Commonly associated with playing tennis, however can result from everyday activities as well. It is an overuse injury in the lateral side of the elbow region. Symptoms may include:

  • Pain radiating from elbow to forearm and wrist
  • Weakness in forearm
  • Painful grip while shaking hands

Knee Pain

A common complaint where there are many causes such as ligament injuries, cartilage injuries, tendonitis, bursitis or even dislocation.


Inflammation of the fluid sac (bursa) that lies between a tendon and skin or between a tendon and bone. These fluid filled cavities assist with movement and reduce friction between moving parts. Bursitis commonly occurs in the shoulder, elbow, hip and knee and can include symptoms such as:

  • Joint pain and tenderness
  • Stiffness and achiness upon movement of joint
  • Swelling or redness over the affected joint


The inflammation of a tendon.

Chiropractic Techniques